During World War II, rationing was a large part of life on the United States Home Front. Tires were the first items to be rationed.
Rubber Shortage
The Japanese conquered the prime rubber producing nations of Malaya and the Dutch East Indies in January and March of 1942 respectively, eliminating 91% of America's rubber supply. Since cargo ships were needed for military purposes, the ability to import rubber from South America was reduced. The synthetic rubber program had just begun and didn't produce enough to meet civilian and military needs. Before the war, the US had accumulated a stockpile of crude rubber - but only enough for one year at peace.
Uses for Rubber
In civilian life, three-quarters of rubber was used for automobile tires, but rubber was also used for gloves, raincoats, boots, waterproof sheets and baby pants, girdles, hot water bottles, bathing caps, garden hoses, and toys. The military required rubber for vehicle and aircraft tires, pontoon bridges, gas and oxygen masks, medical equipment, boots, raincoats, shoes, and even erasers.
Tire Rationing
To ensure enough rubber for military and vital civilian purposes, tire rationing was instituted on December 27, 1941. The program ran through December 31, 1945. Local Tire Rationing Boards issued certificates for tires or recapping upon application. Certificates for new tires were restricted to vehicles for public health and safety (medical, fire, police, garbage, and mail services), essential trucking (food, ice, fuel), and public transportation. Recapping was allowed at the discretion of the local board for any of the above, and occasionally for taxis and defense workers who shared rides. Civilians were allowed to keep five tires per automobile, and were required to surrender any others.
Rubber Drive

From June 15-30, 1942 the United States held a nationwide rubber drive. People were encouraged to donate used or surplus rubber items. People brought in old or excess tires, raincoats, hot water bottles, boots, and
floor mats. In exchange they received a penny a pound. Although 450,000 tons of
scrap rubber was collected, used rubber was found to be of poor
quality for military use.
Public service campaigns educated people on how to care for rubber products to make them last for the duration - protection from heat and moisture, proper cleaning, avoiding folding or crumpling, careful stretching of elastic, and speedy repair of holes or tears.
Care of Tires
Since civilians had to make five tires last the entire war, they had to be extremely careful. People were encouraged to drive less - in fact, the primary purpose of gasoline rationing was to protect tires. A "Victory Speed" of 35 mph was instituted - tires wore out half as quickly at 35 mph than at 60 mph. Slow and steady stops, starts, and turns also reduced wear on the treads. Everyone was encouraged to use public transportation, to share rides, and to avoid rough roads. Proper auto maintenance was more important than ever - brake adjustment, wheel alignment, tire inflation, tire rotation, and early repair of holes all prolonged wear. In addition, all auto racing was banned.
How would you have handled tire rationing?
Labels: rationing, rubber rationing, tire rationing, World War II