While researching the history of nursing for my own novels, I was stunned by what I read about nursing in the Civil War. Rather than the romanticized view prevalent in modern movies and novels about the era, nursing was considered a scandalous choice for a woman, and female nurses had to fight for the ability to care for the sick and wounded.
In Wedded to War, Jocelyn Green takes a well-researched look at Civil War nurses, a view that's even more fascinating with the romanticized notions stripped away. Charlotte Waverly is a proper young society lady, teetering dangerously on the brink of spinsterhood. Handsome Phineas Hastings promises to rescue her from that fate, but the start of war ignites a passion inside Charlotte to do something for the war effort. However, her choice to become a nurse - quite shocking at the time - earns her mother's disapproval, Phineas's wrath, and a life dramatically different from what she knows.
dramatic, and romantic, Wedded to War
by Jocelyn Green sheds light on the harrowing world of Civil War nursing
through the eyes of a delightful heroine. Detailed research and a powerful
message about mercy make this story a keeper. This is the first in the Heroines Behind the Lines Civil War series, and I'm much anticipating the second book!
Visit the amazing Heroines Behind the Lines website to see maps, historical photographs, character sketches, and a historical/story timeline. It is gorgeous!
**LATE ADDITION** Jocelyn has graciously offered to send out one autographed copy to a commenter! Leave a comment below and I'll enter you in a drawing and announce the winner next Tuesday 7/17.Labels: book review, Jocelyn Green, nurses, Wedded to War