
Friday, May 24, 2013

Today in World War II History

70 Years Ago—May 24, 1943: Battle of Atlantic officially ends as Germans withdraw U-boats after loss of 40 U-boats in 3 weeks. Dr. Josef Mengele, “the angel of death,” arrives at Auschwitz. US cheese rationing is expanded to all but cream and cottage cheeses.


  1. I just read the Wings of Glory series while looking for another WWII book. I am 100% fascinated and obsessed with this era and I am SOOO excited to have found you!! I'll be buying every one of your books. :) Plus I love the air corps.
    Kalin from WWII inspired fashion/literature blog.

  2. Thanks, Kalin! It's such a fascinating era, isn't it? And yes, I'm fond of aviation too :)
